New England Wedding Photography


Ryan Richardson Photography is an editorial/fashion inspired wedding and portrait photographer based in Southeastern Massachusetts and serving New England. Massachusetts Wedding Photographer.

Boston Boudoir Month: Boudoir Do's and Don'ts

So you've been hitting Pinterest hard and you've booked your boudoir session with Ryan Richardson Photography (and if you haven't what are you waiting for?), what else is left? How can you make sure that when you walk into that room that you're ready to kick ass and chew bubble gum? If our consult didn't get you all the way there, these helpful tips will make sure you have a brilliant Boston Boudoir Session (or Providence or anywhere else in New England, working with SEO is a lot like summoning Beetlejuice).

Preparing for Your Boston Boudoir Session:

Choose your Wardrobe – Lingerie is great, but you don’t have wear it if you don’t want to. A button down shirt, sports jersey, oversized sweater (perfect for winter in New England), or tight shirt and booty shorts are great alternatives. Be sure to try on your outfit(s) prior to your session to ensure everything fits properly. You'll also want to bring a little bit more than you think you'll use, just in case something doesn't quite work on camera.

Don’t Forget Accessories – Make sure you think about jewelry, shoes, props, etc. Pack anything you need to get it ready for your session. For props, we suggest bringing personal items that are significant to your partner – sports gear, dog tags, lab coat, Dungeon Master's Guide, etc.

Hair and Makeup – We highly recommend using a makeup artist. If you need suggestions on who we like to work with, please contact us. A MUA will make sure that you look flawless and ready for your close up. If you're doing these photos ahead of the wedding, this might be a good time to set up a hair or makeup test.

Choose a Location – We can help you with this if you don’t already have a location in mind. We tend to do these sessions at hotels, since there are many fewer socks randomly strewn about and someone else has already made the bed. Really, it's a great way to avoid the added stress of a last-minute cleanup. This is typically covered in the session fee.

Exposure – Talk to us prior to the session to let us know what you are comfortable with and how exposed, or unexposed, you want to be during your session. Everyone has a different comfort level, and we like to be aware and informed of your expectations prior to your session so there are no awkward moments. Your comfort is absolutely our first priority.

Pre-Session Beauty Prep – We suggest getting a mani/pedi a few days prior to your session. If you wax, don’t forget to pencil that into your schedule, as well. If you want to have a base tan for your photos, we recommend beginning to tan a few weeks prior to your session to avoid burning – and remember to think about your outfit and avoid any tan lines that will look bad in photos. We suggest staying away from spray tans. Don’t forget to get your eyebrows shaped before your session.

The day of your session eat a light breakfast the morning of. Drink a lot of water leading up to your session for beautiful, healthy skin and get a good night’s rest the night before. Shave and moisturize for beautiful legs (I know, it'll ruin that comfy downy layer you've got going on to face those windy days in Boston, and those sub-zero temperatures on the ski-slopes). Wear a clear deodorant. Don’t wear tight clothing, bras, panties, socks, etc. the morning of your session or driving to your session. These will leave red marks on your skin and we want you looking your best. Along those lines you'll want to avoid carrying any bags with thin straps, a wheeled luggage bag is perfect for bringing your wardrobe.

Relax – The most important thing you can do is relax. We will make sure you look amazing in your photos, so don’t worry! If you’re uncomfortable, it will show, so just keep calm.


Bad Tan Lines/Sunburn – If you have not been tanning recently, don’t tan just before your session. You can get sunburn or really bad tan lines, which are not flattering in photos. Also avoid spray tans at all cost, as they tend to photograph poorly. Of course if being bronze is your thing, don't avoid tanning altogether since it's January in New England and ghosts haven't been sexy since Swayze.

Skipping Breakfast – Don't skip meals before your shoot, you'll want to have energy for your session since modeling can be a lot of work. 

Choosing the wrong sized outfits – Choose lingerie that is just the right size for you. You don’t want loose lingerie that gives your body no shape or hides your beautiful curves. On the other hand, lingerie that is too tight can be unflattering. If you're not sure of your sizes there are a lot of great resources to help.

Heavy Makeup – We strongly recommend getting a makeup artist for your session. You don’t want to slather the makeup on too thickly. It’s more about accentuating your natural features and making you feel – and look – stunning. That said, some sessions might call for more eye-catching makeup - especially retro or pinup looks.

Forgetting to Groom – Photoshop can cover up a lot of sins, but it can't fix everything, so when you're getting ready for your session don't forget the basics (not that the Patriarchy ever lets you forget). Try to ensure that your hair, skin, teeth, nails and anything else you can think of are on point because you want your pictures to show off you on your best possible day. Really just another excuse to go full on "treat yourself" for the day before your session.

Ryan Richardson Photography is a full-service photography boutique based in New England that specializes in Wedding Photography and Portrait Photography. We proudly serve events and clients in Boston and Providence.